Carsat Pays de la Loire
MeetingInteracting and saving time in meetings
My brainstorming meetings only take half as long as they used to
With nearly 150,000 employees, the French social security system carries out its missions for all citizens, at every stage of their lives, through its various branches (Health, Family, Old Age, Professional Risks). Carsat Pays de la Loire is a regional social security agency based in Nantes. Among other things, it manages business inspection and consulting aspects for the prevention of workplace accidents and occupational illnesses for about 100,000 businesses and their 1.2 million employees in the Pays de la Loire region of France.
Vincent works there as an Engineering Consultant. His role is to inspect and consult with regional businesses to discuss the risks that arise in the workplace : physical hazards, chemical hazards, psychosocial risks, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. He offers advice and ensures that business follow the rules.
As part of his work, he communicates every day with his team of safety inspectors, his colleagues, and with businesses and institutional partners : employer organisations and trade unions, regional governments, business executives, departmental governments, occupational physicians and the French Labour Inspectorate. With teams spread throughout the region’s various departments, Vincent leads both in-person and remote meetings to create connections in his everyday work. He chose to rely on Beekast to tackle this challenge.
Carsat’s goals with Beekast
- Use a convenient and reliable tool
- Make people smile
- Add interactivity to all meeting formats
- Save time before, during and after the meeting
A convenient and reliable tool
Adopting a new tool is never an easy task for any business. Other tools may already have been tried, and a certain level of user fatigue is common. But Vincent reports that Beekast was adopted easily, and it’s now a well-established part of his organisation’s work routine.
Vincent and his colleagues know they can rely on the tool, and they appreciate how convenient it is to use : Beekast runs smoothly on tablets, PCs and smartphones alike, and connecting to a session is totally intuitive.
Making people smile at the start of each meeting
For Vincent, Beekast’s modern design and fun activities make it a tool he actually enjoys to using. Beekast creates a pleasant atmosphere and adds an extra shot of motivation right from the start of every meeting. The anonymous connection mode, using avatars with animal names, always gets people smiling and laughing. And with that, the meeting can begin!
Add interactivity to all meeting formats
Before using Beekast, most participants rarely spoke up in meetings. Now, every meeting is far more interactive — and for Vincent, that’s Beekast’s greatest strength.
Vincent uses Beekast in brainstorming meetings with his colleagues and with partners — to think about ways of improving internal processes or designing projects, for example. In these workshops where everyone is involved, he likes to use voting, open-ended questions and word cloud activities. He often starts meetings by asking participants to “share a key word about what this makes you think of” to get them engaged with the topic.
He also leads and takes part in information meetings with up to thirty participants, where posting a survey is a great way to kick off a verbal discussion. For remote meetings, Vincent uses Beekast in conjunction with Microsoft Teams. This approach became a tried-and-true routine during France’s two lockdown periods.
Save time before, during and after the meeting
When organising a brainstorming session, Vincent has traded sticky notes on paper for Beekast’s interactive activities — and seen real time savings as a result. Gone are the days of setting up the activity, standing at the board, and cleaning up at the end of the workshop. Now, he just gives a single explanation of how the Beekast activity works, and the ideas can start flowing with no further ado!
But the biggest time-saver with Beekast is clearly its automatically generated reports. He no longer needs to take time out of the brainstorming session to prepare his report. For Vincent, meetings now take only about half as much time as before…
Thanks to the easy discussions and interactive activities available with Beekast, Vincent’s team enjoys meetings with a comfortable and relaxed tone. For any type of meeting (brainstorming or information meetings), and whether the meetings are remote or in person, Beekast helps the team to make effective progress on its projects.